Our Approach

Through a powerful combination of our expertise, our people and our process, we bring together everything needed to build a smarter custom solution.


We design and build the technology that makes your process or product smarter and more efficient, leaving you better equipped to meet production demands and stay in the lead.



Applied Science


Nanohmics specialty is understanding how the applied sciences involved in the interaction between  electromagnetic radiation, molecules, and materials impact the function and performance of novel sensing technologies designed to study a host of targets over a wide dimensional scale-- from atoms to exoplanets! Integration of the applied sciences of sensing and measurement with our clients’ product, process or system can enable new methods of collecting and processing information that lead to a smarter system capable of improved efficiency, higher throughput,  and greater autonomy. We specialize in computational imaging, electro-optics, semiconductors and electronics, nano-/biomaterials, metasurfaces, and microfabrication of transducer materials and devices integral to advanced sensing and energy conversion technologies.



Innovative Engineering…


At the core of every sensing or measurement technology is a transducer element that converts a target into a signal which is processed into a data stream that provides actionable intelligence about the surroundings.  Just as important as the core sciences of sensing are the means to precisely control the sensing environment and reproducibility of the response. Unlike traditional engineering firms, our team of electrical, mechanical, biomedical, and computational engineers span a multitude of disciplines from nanoscale materials, to microfabricated structures, to macroscale instrumentation and devices.  Engineers work hand-in-hand with applied scientists to design, downselect and deliver hardware and software solutions that are integrated with core sensing technologies designed to boost system performance. Our team is experienced in all aspects needed to fabricated structures and devices over a wide feature dimension scales ranging from submicron to macroassemblies.



Advanced Instrumentation…


The integration of applied science and innovative engineering enables novel material components and advanced instrumentation with with custom electrical/mechanical layouts, firmware and hardware needed for a smart custom solution. By measuring, monitoring and controlling the environment from the transducer level to system integration, we offer turnkey custom solutions that include electrical  layout, wiring, industrial design, mechanical and hardware prototyping for both sensing technologies and their integration into the system solution. We work with local machine shops and design firms to procure tooling, finished parts and electrical interfaces needed for the engineered solution. Check out our featured solutions to see how we have helped customers, collaborators and partners to deliver ideas into custom solutions.


 To make a Smarter, Custom Solution for you


ECIS Prototyping for the U.S. Army


NEED: The U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research (USACEHR) was searching for a field portable biomonitor to detect toxins in drinking water, similar to their existing laboratory system that relied on live fish.

ECIS Instrument Prototype Progression


Nanohmics Inc.
6201 E Oltorf St Austin, TX, 78741
512.389.9990 / info@nanohmics.com